Sweet dumplings made from wholegrain spelt semolina with canned sour cherries, coconut flour and agave syrup.

Soft and tasty balls that are suitable for breakfast, dinner or dessert. They can also be prepared in advance and frozen and cooked or the occasion. Sweeten to taste, but keep in mind that agave topping syrup is already pretty sweet.

The balls will stick to your hands, if you don’t use a little water in the shaping process.

Spelt grits dumplings with sour cherries

Cook Time 30 minutes
Servings 3 portions


  • 80 grams of wholegrain spelt grits
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 4 dl of milk
  • Coconut sugar to taste
  • Vanilla aroma
  • 1 egg
  • Agave syrup
  • Caned sour cherries (without sugar and preservatives)
  • Coconut flour (or peels) for sprinkling


  • Heat up the milk and cook spelt grits in it (cook as long as it says in the package instructions, mine took 10 minutes), add the coconut sugar to taste and a little vanilla flavor. Make sure you stir it from the start to avoid lumps. Once it is cooked stir in coconut oil and allow it to cool slightly and when it is no longer hot you can add the egg. Stir and let it cool completely.
  • When spelt grits is cold, you can form little balls from it (we help ourselves by wetting our hands with little water) and laying them on a tray.
  • Then place them in hot water to cook. Just like gnocchi, when they swim to the top, they are done and you can take them out and drain them.
  • Arrange them on plates, add cherries, sprinkle with coconut and drizzle with agave syrup and serve hot or cold.
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